This film follows professional Fire Dancers in southern Mexico as they train and rehearse on their way to creating the first International Fire Dance Festival in Mexico.
This is our First Feature film and we are very excited about having a chance to be part of a Documentary Film Festival.
After spending the past 6 years filming “Fire Dance with Me” in Southern Mexico, capturing the heart and soul of the Mexican Fire Dancer, we can’t wait to have our Film Premiere.

CHUCHO FLAMAThis subject of Fire Dancing hasn’t had much exposure and Fire Dance with Me will be one of the first films to really explore this exciting and interesting subculture.
When I first experienced Fire Dancing I was completely amazed and in awe at the beauty, the danger and the relationship between the fire and human. I wanted to explore this relationship and share what it’s like to dance with fire, to be close to the flames, the excitement, the fear and why someone would actually do this. I wanted to make this film because these performers really inspired me with their hard work, creativity, and determination. I wanted to make a positive film about our neighbors, Mexico, that will act as a video testament to the human spirit and the power of following your dreams while paying homage to the grace and power of artists who risk serious injury to pursue their art.

By Rich Mason, Director